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Veterinary Tips & Advice

Can cats cause asthma?

Can cats cause asthma?

The sad fact is that your feline friend may indeed be causing your asthma. If you aren't ready to find a new home for kitty just yet, there are a few things you can try to help reduce the cat related allergens in your home, and possibly reduce the frequency of your asthma attacks.

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When and why should my pet have an eye exam?

When and why should my pet have an eye exam?

Your pet’s vision is critical to their health and well-being, so it’s important to know their eye health is in good shape. Our Charlotte vets share some insight on why and when your pet should get an eye exam.

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Can dogs have asthma?

Can dogs have asthma?

While asthma isn't a condition that we typically associate with dogs, it is relatively common. Here at Carolina Veterinary Specialists in Charlotte, we offer advanced diagnostics and treatment for respiratory conditions in dogs. Do you think your dog may have asthma? Our vets share some of the most common symptoms of asthma in dogs. 

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COPD in Dogs

COPD in Dogs

COPD can make breathing difficult for your fur baby and reduce your dog's enthusiasm for exercise and fun. Today we look at some of the causes of COPD in dogs, as well as the most common symptoms of the disease and how it can be treated. With appropriate treatment, your dog could go on to live a happy, normal life.

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How do I know if my cat has asthma?

How do I know if my cat has asthma?

Many pet parents don't think about asthma when it comes to our furry friends but approximately 1-5% of cats suffer from the condition. In today's post our Charlotte vets share some of the signs of asthma in cats, as well as what causes the condition, and how it can be treated.

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Bloody Diarrhea & Vomit in Dogs

Bloody Diarrhea & Vomit in Dogs

The appearance of blood in your dog’s stool or vomit can cause concern and alarm. In this post, our Charlotte vets discuss causes, symptoms and treatment options for bloody diarrhea and vomit in dogs.

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Can I use Neosporin to treat my cat's eye infection?

Can I use Neosporin to treat my cat's eye infection?

Always speak to your vet before using medications meant for humans on your cat. Many over the counter first aid treatments or medications could cause your cat to experience serious side effects. Today our Charlotte vet explains why you should never use Neosporin to treat your cat's eye infection.

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Why are my cat's eyes watering?

Why are my cat's eyes watering?

A moist protective layer surrounds the outside of your cat's eyes which helps to wash away dirt and debris that lands on the eye. That said, if your cat's eyes begin to water excessively it could be an early sign that there is an issue. Today our Charlotte vets explain some of the reasons why cat's eyes water.

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Dog Eye Injuries

Dog Eye Injuries

We try to protect our pets, nonetheless eye injuries can happen. Here, our Charlotte vets share some of the types of eye injuries that are common in dogs as well as the causes, symptoms, and what you should do if your dog has an eye injury.

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Antibiotic & Other Treatments For Eye Infections in Cats

Antibiotic & Other Treatments For Eye Infections in Cats

Eye infections in cats can be caused by a host of issues from bacterial or viral infections to injuries or other more serious underlying conditions. The cause of your cat's eye infection will dictate the treatment recommended by your veterinarian. Here our Charlotte vets share some of the most common treatments for eye infections in cats.

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Pet Care in Charlotte

Carolina Veterinary Specialists in Charlotte accepts all clients for our 24/7 emergency service. Our specialty services accepts new clients by referral only.

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