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Veterinary Tips & Advice

What is IVDD in Dogs?

What is IVDD in Dogs?

Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), is a serious spinal condition that occurs in dogs and affects their ability to walk. IVDD commonly requires surgery to correct although other treatments may be tried if the condition is detected in the very earliest stages. Our Charlotte vets explain... 

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TPLO Surgery For Dogs - How It Works

TPLO Surgery For Dogs - How It Works

A dog's cranial cruciate ligament (also called the CCL or cruciate ) works much the same as a human's ACL and helps the dog's knee function correctly. If your dog has an injured cruciate, your Charlotte vet may recommend TPLO surgery to stabilize your pup's knee and allow pain-free movement.

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Hepatitis in Cats - Treatments & Life Expectancy

Hepatitis in Cats - Treatments & Life Expectancy

Hepatitis is a liver disorder that can result in serious symptoms and health complications for your cat. Today, our Charlotte vets and team explain the types of hepatitis seen in cats, causes, symptoms, and treatments.

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Hepatitis in Dogs- A Pet Parent's Guide

Hepatitis in Dogs- A Pet Parent's Guide

In today's post our Charlotte vets explain the types of hepatitis seen in dogs, the most common symptoms of infectious and chronic hepatitis, as well as prevention and how this serious condition can be treated if your dog has hepatitis.

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What are the signs of pneumonia in cats?

What are the signs of pneumonia in cats?

Is your cat showing flu-like symptoms, losing weight, or having difficulties breathing? It could be pneumonia. In today's post our emergency vets at Carolina Veterinary Specialists in Charlotte share more signs of pneumonia in cats as well as the causes and treatments for this serious condition.

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How to Treat Pneumonia in Dogs at Home

How to Treat Pneumonia in Dogs at Home

Pneumonia in dogs presents itself similarly to pneumonia in humans. Pneumonia in dogs can cause difficulty breathing and be life-threatening in severe cases just as it can be in people. When air sacs inside the lungs become inflamed, the lungs will swell and fill with pus and fluid that prevents enough air from entering the lungs. Some strains of pneumonia are highly contagious, such as the colloquially known "kennel cough" which infects the trachea and bronchi.

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Causes, Symptoms & Treatments for Cushing's Disease in Dogs

Causes, Symptoms & Treatments for Cushing's Disease in Dogs

Cushing's disease is a serious condition in dogs that can lead to severe, sometimes life-threatening conditions and illnesses. Our Charlotte vets explain what causes Cushing's disease in dogs, as well as the symptoms and treatments.

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Tick Disease in Dogs - Ehrlichiosis

Tick Disease in Dogs - Ehrlichiosis

Ehrlichiosis is a serious tick borne disease seen in dogs across the Southeastern and Southwestern US. Early detection and treatment are essential in order to prevent this condition from reaching its more severe stages. In today's post our Charolotte vets explain the stages, symptoms and treatments for ehrlichiosis in dogs.

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Signs of Dehydration in Dogs

Signs of Dehydration in Dogs

Today, our Charlotte vets share information on dehydration in dogs, a serious health emergency that can cause issues with your pet’s body temperature, joints, digestion and internal organs.

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Treatment for Babesiosis in Dogs

Treatment for Babesiosis in Dogs

Babesiosis or Babesia infection is a condition spread by ticks and seen in dogs across the US. Today our Charlotte vets explain the symptoms and treatments for Babesiosis and how you can help to protect your dog against tick borne diseases like Babesiosis.

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Pet Care in Charlotte

Carolina Veterinary Specialists in Charlotte accepts all clients for our 24/7 emergency service. Our specialty services accepts new clients by referral only.

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